After playing around with snort I decided to try out suricata (which is the multi-threaded alternative to snort). From their main page:

Suricata is a high performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine. Open Source and owned by a community run non-profit foundation, the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). Suricata is developed by the OISF and its supporting vendors.

Suricata Install

The FreeBSD version is pretty updated:

elatov@moxz:~$pkg search ^suricata

Installing it is pretty easy:

elatov@moxz:~$sudo pkg install suricata

Grabbing the rules

Suricata supports the Snort VRT rules and the Emerging Threats rules as well. Although not all the VRT rules are supported so if you are using the VRT rules you will get a couple of errors. You can pick and choose which VRT rules to use. The guide from Suricata only uses the ET rules.


If you just want to use the Emerging Threat rules then you can just use oinkmaster. First install it:

elatov@moxz:~$sudo pkg install oinkmaster

After that add the URL for Emerging Threats in the oinkmaster config file (/usr/local/etc/oinkmaster.conf):

url =

The rule set had some empty rules, so I added the following to skip them:

skipfile deleted.rules
skipfile emerging-deleted.rules
skipfile rbn.rules
skipfile rbn-malvertisers.rules
skipfile files.rules
skipfile emerging-icmp.rules

After that we can run the following to get the rules:

elatov@moxz:~$oinkmaster -o rules/
Loading /usr/local/etc/oinkmaster.conf
Downloading file from done.
Archive successfully downloaded, unpacking... done.
Setting up rules structures... done.
Processing downloaded rules... disabled 0, enabled 0, modified 0, total=18120
Setting up rules structures... done.
Comparing new files to the old ones... done.
Updating local rules files... done.

[***] Results from Oinkmaster started 20150104 15:27:16 [***]

[*] Rules modifications: [*]

[*] Non-rule line modifications: [*]

[+] Added files (consider updating your snort.conf to include them if needed): [+]

    -> botcc.portgrouped.rules
    -> botcc.rules
    -> BSD-License.txt
    -> ciarmy.rules
    -> classification.config
    -> compromised-ips.txt
    -> compromised.rules
    -> decoder-events.rules
    -> drop.rules
    -> dshield.rules
    -> emerging-activex.rules
    -> emerging-attack_response.rules
    -> emerging-chat.rules
    -> emerging-current_events.rules
    -> emerging-dns.rules
    -> emerging-dos.rules
    -> emerging-exploit.rules
    -> emerging-ftp.rules
    -> emerging-games.rules
    -> emerging-icmp_info.rules
    -> emerging-imap.rules
    -> emerging-inappropriate.rules
    -> emerging-info.rules
    -> emerging-malware.rules
    -> emerging-misc.rules
    -> emerging-mobile_malware.rules
    -> emerging-netbios.rules
    -> emerging-p2p.rules
    -> emerging-policy.rules
    -> emerging-pop3.rules
    -> emerging-rpc.rules
    -> emerging-scada.rules
    -> emerging-scan.rules
    -> emerging-shellcode.rules
    -> emerging-smtp.rules
    -> emerging-snmp.rules
    -> emerging-sql.rules
    -> emerging-telnet.rules
    -> emerging-tftp.rules
    -> emerging-trojan.rules
    -> emerging-user_agents.rules
    -> emerging-voip.rules
    -> emerging-web_client.rules
    -> emerging-web_server.rules
    -> emerging-web_specific_apps.rules
    -> emerging-worm.rules
    -> emerging.conf
    -> gpl-2.0.txt
    -> http-events.rules
    -> reference.config
    -> smtp-events.rules
    -> stream-events.rules
    -> suricata-open.txt
    -> tls-events.rules
    -> tor.rules

Now in the suricata configuration we need to add all those rules. So under the /usr/local/suricata/suricata.yaml file make sure you have something like this:

default-rule-path: /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules
 - botcc.portgrouped.rules
 - botcc.rules
 - ciarmy.rules
 - compromised.rules
 - decoder-events.rules
 - drop.rules
 - dshield.rules
 - emerging-activex.rules
 - emerging-attack_response.rules
 - emerging-chat.rules
 - emerging-current_events.rules
 - emerging-dns.rules

You will also notice that the rules archive included the following files:

  • classification.config
  • reference.config

Those are files used by barnyard2 when adding events to the MySQL DB to make sure the description and classification (and etc) of the event are correct. So make sure you have the following in your barnyard2 config (/usr/local/etc/barnyard2.conf):

config reference_file:      /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/reference.config
config classification_file: /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/classification.config
config gen_file:            /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/
config sid_file:            /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/

With pulledport you can do both (VRT and ET rules), if you want to automate getting the latest version you actually need the snort binary, cause it uses that to discover which version you are on, and if your snort is at the latest version then you it will grab the lastest snort VRT rules. Here is my pulledpork config:

elatov@moxz:~$grep -Ev '^$|^#' /usr/local/etc/pulledpork/pulledpork.conf

Then we can get both rule sets in one big file (/usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/et.rules):

elatov@moxz:~$ -c /usr/local/etc/pulledpork/pulledpork.conf -vv
      _____ ____
     `----,\    )
      `--==\\  /    PulledPork v0.7.0 - Swine Flu!
     .-~~~~-.Y|\\_  Copyright (C) 2009-2013 JJ Cummings
  @_/        /  66\_
    |    \   \   _(")
     \   /-| ||'--'  Rules give me wings!
      \_\  \_\\

Config File Variable Debug /usr/local/etc/pulledpork/pulledpork.conf
    snort_path = /usr/local/bin/snort
    sid_msg_version = 1
    ignore = deleted.rules,experimental.rules,local.rules
    local_rules = /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/local.rules
    rule_url = ARRAY(0x8532df48)
    distro = FreeBSD-9-0
    sid_msg = /usr/local/etc/suricata/
    temp_path = /tmp
    sid_changelog = /var/log/suricata/id_changes.log
    black_list = /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/default.blacklist
    engine = suricata
    rule_path = /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules
    IPRVersion = /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/iplists
    version = 0.7.0
MISC (CLI and Autovar) Variable Debug:
    arch Def is: x86-64
    Config Path is: /usr/local/etc/pulledpork/pulledpork.conf
    Distro Def is: FreeBSD-9-0
    Disabled policy specified
    local.rules path is: /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules/local.rules
    Rules file is: /tmp/rules
    sid changes will be logged to: /var/log/suricata/id_changes.log Output Path is: /usr/local/etc/suricata/
    Snort Version is:
    Snort Path is: /usr/local/bin/snort
    Will process SO rules
    Extra Verbose Flag is Set
    Verbose Flag is Set
    Base URL is:|snortrules-snapshot.tar.gz|<oinkcode>|emerging.rules.tar.gz|open
Checking latest MD5 for snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz....
    Fetching md5sum for: snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz.md5
** GET<oinkcode> ==> 200 OK (1s)
    most recent rules file digest: 455a8281b7cfca05526356d0f16c4362
Rules tarball download of snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz....
    Fetching rules file: snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz
** GET<oinkode> ==> 302 Found

    storing file at: /tmp/snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz

    current local rules file  digest: 455a8281b7cfca05526356d0f16c4362
    The MD5 for snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz matched 455a8281b7cfca05526356d0f16c4362

Checking latest MD5 for emerging.rules.tar.gz....
    Fetching md5sum for: emerging.rules.tar.gz.md5
** GET ==> 200 OK (1s)
    most recent rules file digest: f54360373f97d972a154742e39289b1c
Rules tarball download of emerging.rules.tar.gz....
    Fetching rules file: emerging.rules.tar.gz
** GET ==> 200 OK (4s)
    storing file at: /tmp/emerging.rules.tar.gz

    current local rules file  digest: f54360373f97d972a154742e39289b1c
    The MD5 for emerging.rules.tar.gz matched f54360373f97d972a154742e39289b1c

Prepping rules from emerging.rules.tar.gz for work....
    extracting contents of /tmp/emerging.rules.tar.gz...
    Ignoring plaintext rules: deleted.rules
    Ignoring plaintext rules: experimental.rules
    Ignoring plaintext rules: local.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-netbios.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-http-events.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-tftp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-telnet.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-botcc.portgrouped.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-ftp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-shellcode.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-imap.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-deleted.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-games.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-tls-events.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-misc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-dos.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-worm.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-smtp-events.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-rpc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-botcc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-p2p.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-malware.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-exploit.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-policy.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-activex.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-scan.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-compromised.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-current_events.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-inappropriate.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-rbn.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-ciarmy.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-stream-events.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-icmp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-decoder-events.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-chat.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-icmp_info.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-rbn-malvertisers.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-web_client.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-user_agents.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-files.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-trojan.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-dns.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-pop3.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-scada.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-smtp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-attack_response.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-info.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-sql.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-drop.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-mobile_malware.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-snmp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-web_specific_apps.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-tor.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-dshield.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-voip.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/ET-emerging-web_server.rules
Prepping rules from snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz for work....
    extracting contents of /tmp/snortrules-snapshot-2970.tar.gz...
    Ignoring plaintext rules: deleted.rules
    Ignoring plaintext rules: experimental.rules
    Ignoring plaintext rules: local.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-snmp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-exploit.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-exploit-kit.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-pua-p2p.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-browser-chrome.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-malware-tools.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-flash.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-os-solaris.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-image.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-rservices.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-scada.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-browser-webkit.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-malware-cnc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-os-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-telnet.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-scada.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-dns.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-misc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-multimedia.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-app-detect.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-sql.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-indicator-obfuscation.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-coldfusion.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-policy-multimedia.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-imap.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-sensitive-data.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-icmp-info.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-ftp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-attacks.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-misc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-policy.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-tftp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-imap.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-spyware-put.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-ftp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-finger.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-other-ids.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-browser-ie.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-rpc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-malware-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-bad-traffic.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-content-replace.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-shellcode.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-oracle.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-executable.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-smtp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-java.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-mssql.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-mail.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-chat.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-client.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-browser-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-virus.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-office.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-services.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-nntp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-webapp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-pop3.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-x11.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-pua-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-dos.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-browser-firefox.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-frontpage.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-pop.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-os-mobile.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-preprocessor.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-samba.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-indicator-scan.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-indicator-shellcode.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-os-windows.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-pop2.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-voip.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-malware-backdoor.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-browser-plugins.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-phishing-spam.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-mysql.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-scan.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-telnet.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-policy-social.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-cgi.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-attack-responses.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-rpc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-tftp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-blacklist.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-nntp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-mysql.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-apache.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-finger.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-voip.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-p2p.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-specific-threats.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-pua-toolbars.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-pdf.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-oracle.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-iis.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-indicator-compromise.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-netbios.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-botnet-cnc.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-snmp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-multimedia.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-ddos.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-policy-spam.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-decoder.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-pua-adware.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-icmp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-file-identify.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-policy-other.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-php.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-icmp.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-backdoor.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-server-iis.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-info.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-protocol-dns.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-web-activex.rules
    Extracted: /tha_rules/VRT-os-linux.rules
    Reading rules...
    removed 173 temporary snort files or directories from /tmp/tha_rules!
Setting Flowbit State....
    Enabled 63 flowbits
Writing /tmp/rules....
Writing v1 /tmp/
Writing /tmp/id_changes.log....
Rule Stats...
    Enabled Rules:----22469
    Dropped Rules:----0
    Disabled Rules:---20429
    Total Rules:------42898
No IP Blacklist Changes

Please review /var/log/suricata/id_changes.log for additional details
Fly Piggy Fly!

At this point we can modify the suricata config file (/usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml) and just define one rule file and comment out the rest:

default-rule-path: /usr/local/etc/suricata/rules
  - et.rules
#  - botcc.portgrouped.rules
#  - botcc.rules
#  - ciarmy.rules
#  - compromised.rules

Now we can mofify the barnyard2 config (/usr/local/etc/barnyard2.conf) to point to the correct classification files (most of these are available from the suricata install, they are just called file.template):

config reference_file:      /usr/local/etc/suricata/reference.config
config classification_file: /usr/local/etc/suricata/classification.config
config gen_file:            /usr/local/etc/suricata/
config sid_file:            /usr/local/etc/suricata/

Now the configuration is ready for the rules part.

If you really want to you can use both in conjunction (oinkmaster for ET and pulledpork for VRT). You would have to use the script (available in the oinkmaster source) to generate file from the rules directiores. The usage is descbibed in the oinkmaster FAQs: /etc/snort/rules/official/ \ 
                      /etc/snort/rules/bleeding/ \
                      /etc/snort/rules/local/    \
                      > /etc/snort/

If you ever need to generate the file manually the process is described here:

cat /etc/snort/rules/ | awk -F '|' '{print "1 || "$1" || "$3}' > /etc/snort/rules/

Pulledpork already takes care of the file and it sounds like it will get to the file eventually as well.

Suricata Configuration

Since we will be using barnyard2 let’s configure suricata to log output in unified2 format:


  # a line based alerts log similar to Snort's fast.log
  - fast:
      enabled: yes
      filename: fast.log
      append: yes

  - unified2-alert:
      enabled: yes
      filename: merged.log

Since we will be running in daemon mode let’s disable console mode:


  - console:
      enabled: no
  - file:
      enabled: yes
      filename: /var/log/suricata/suricata.log
  - syslog:
      enabled: no
      facility: local5
      format: "[%i] <%d> -- "

With Suricata you can actually reload rules without restarting the whole daemon (pretty cool). Here is the setting for that:

  - profile: medium
  - custom-values:
      toclient-src-groups: 2
      toclient-dst-groups: 2
      toclient-sp-groups: 2
      toclient-dp-groups: 3
      toserver-src-groups: 2
      toserver-dst-groups: 4
      toserver-sp-groups: 2
      toserver-dp-groups: 25
  - sgh-mpm-context: auto
  - inspection-recursion-limit: 3000
  # When rule-reload is enabled, sending a USR2 signal to the Suricata process
  # will trigger a live rule reload. Experimental feature, use with care.
  - rule-reload: true

Lastly make sure the configuration is okay:

elatov@moxz:~$sudo suricata -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -T -i em0
4/1/2015 -- 16:05:52 - <Info> - Running suricata under test mode

Then add the following to /etc/rc.conf to enable the suricata daemon:

elatov@moxz:~$grep suricata /etc/rc.conf
suricata_flags="-D -v"

Then you can start the service with the following:

elatov@moxz:~$sudo service suricata start

and don’t forget to start barnyard2 (btw the full setup for that and snorby are here):

elatov@moxz:~$sudo service barnyard2 start

If you update the rules, you can run the following to reload them. First find out the PID:

elatov@moxz:~$ps -auwwx | grep suri
root     27081 107.9 31.4 741544 650528  -  Ss    4:10PM     0:10.27 /usr/local/bin/suricata -D -v -i em0 --pidfile /var/run/ -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml

and then send a USR2 signal to the procees:

elatov@moxz:~$sudo kill -USR2 27081

and if you check out the logs (/var/log/suricata/suricata.log) you will see the following:

4/1/2015 -- 16:10:47 - <Notice> - rule reload starting
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:47 - <Info> - IP reputation disabled

4/1/2015 -- 16:10:52 - <Info> - 1 rule files processed. 21150 rules successfully loaded, 1319 rules failed
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:52 - <Info> - 21158 signatures processed. 1075 are IP-only rules, 7314 are inspecting packet payload, 15524 inspect application layer, 72 are decoder event only
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:52 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 1: preprocessing rules... complete
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:53 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 2: building source address list... complete
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:56 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 3: building destination address lists... complete
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:58 - <Info> - Threshold config parsed: 0 rule(s) found
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:58 - <Info> - Live rule swap has swapped 1 old det_ctx's with new ones, along with the new de_ctx
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:58 - <Info> - cleaning up signature grouping structure... complete
4/1/2015 -- 16:10:58 - <Notice> - rule reload complete

You will notice some rules failed to load and those are the VRT rules that are not written specificly for Suricata but only Snort. After some time you will see new events getting fired:

elatov@moxz:~$ls -lart /var/log/suricata/ | tail -4
-rw-r--r--  1 root   wheel  1852307 Jan  4 16:10 suricata.log
-rw-r-----  1 root   wheel      194 Jan  4 16:15 merged.log.1420413029
-rw-r-----  1 root   wheel     4513 Jan  4 16:15 fast.log
-rw-r--r--  1 snort  snort     2056 Jan  4 16:15 barnyard2.waldo

I enabled the fast.log just for now so I could see what alerts are getting fired without checking snorby or the DB. And I saw the following:

elatov@moxz:~$tail -4 /var/log/suricata/fast.log 
01/04/2015-08:08:39.990476  [**] [1:2210016:1] SURICATA STREAM CLOSEWAIT FIN out of window [**] [Classification: (null)] [Priority: 3] {TCP} ->
01/04/2015-12:24:02.543448  [**] [1:2100366:8] GPL ICMP_INFO PING *NIX [**] [Classification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3] {ICMP} ->
01/04/2015-14:02:00.402123  [**] [1:2522386:2079] ET TOR Known Tor Relay/Router (Not Exit) Node Traffic group 194 [**] [Classification: Misc Attack] [Priority: 2] {UDP} ->
01/04/2015-16:15:16.557229  [**] [1:2100366:8] GPL ICMP_INFO PING *NIX [**] [Classification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3] {ICMP} ->

Notice I have a ping test alert.