Virtual Machine Clone Fails with 'A general system error occurred: Configuration information is inaccessible' Error Message
Recently ran into an issue when cloning a VM. The clone would start and would run and at about 99% it would fail with the following error:
Checking out the /var/log/vmware/hostd.log file, I saw the following error:
[2012-10-03 22:19:06.743 62040B90 error 'App' opID=D6A05DBB-0000170C-d4-bd-7b] Failed to get data ring: vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument
[2012-10-03 22:19:06.783 62040B90 error 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/4f5275da-25b5f33c-40e5-0019b9d0aecd/New Virtual Machine/New Virtual Machine.vmx' opID=D6A05DBB-0000170C-d4-bd-7b] vim.VirtualMachine vim.VirtualMachine:512 does not have any configuration information.
It looks like as it was creating the newly cloned VM, it would fail with some invalid configuration message. I actually ran across VMware KB 2012959. The KB matched my above message and from KB here are the symptoms:
Possible scenarios to consider:
- Cloning an ide-disk virtual machine to the same ESX/ESXi 4.x host with CBT enabled fails
- Cloning an ide-disk virtual machine from ESX/ESXi 4.x host to ESXi 5.0 host with CBT enabled is successful.
- Cloning a SCSI-disk virtual machine from ESX/ESXi 4.x host to another ESX/ESXi 4.x host is successful.
This KB only applies if all of the following statements are true:
- The VM in question uses IDE disks and Change Block Tracking (also referred to as CTK)
- vCenter Server version is 5.0 or higher
- The ESX(i) Server holding the VM is on version 4.x
First I wanted to check if this vm has CTK enabled. Looking at the vmx file, I see the following:
/vmfs/volumes/4f5275da-25b5f33c-40e5-0019b9d0aecd/vm/ # grep ide0 vm.vmx | grep ctk
ide0:0.ctkEnabled = "TRUE"
That was the case. Then checking out the version of ESXi:
~ # vmware -lv
VMware ESXi 4.1.0 build-348481
VMware ESXi 4.1.0 Update 1
I was definitely on version 4 of ESXi, lastly vCenter was at version 5. So I matched all the symptoms. I then followed the instructions in the KB on how to get around the issue:
To disable CBT in the configuration (.vmx) file:
- Power-off the virtual machine.
- Right click on the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
- Click the Options tab then click General.
- Click Configuration Parameters.
Locate the values below for the IDE disk and set the values to FALSE. for example:
ide0:0.ctkEnabled = "TRUE" ctkEnabled = "TRUE"
- Click OK then OK again.
- Power-on the virtual machine and retry the clone operation.
After disabling Change Block Tracking on the IDE Hard Drive, the clone succeeded without any issues.