I wanted to add extra security to my home lab and I heard good things about the HIDS (Host-based Intrusion Detection System) software called Samhain.


From their site, here is a quick overview of what the software does:

The Samhain host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) provides file integrity checking and log file monitoring/analysis, as well as rootkit detection, port monitoring, detection of rogue SUID executables, and hidden processes.

Samhain been designed to monitor multiple hosts with potentially different operating systems, providing centralized logging and maintenance, although it can also be used as standalone application on a single host.

I was planning on setting this up on multiple hosts, so going with the centralized logging was the desired approach for me.


From their site, here is an overview of Beltane:

Beltane is a web-based central management console for the Samhain file integrity / intrusion detection system. It enables the administrator to browse client messages, acknowledge them, and update centrally stored file signature databases.

As the Samhain daemon keeps a memory of file changes, the file signature database need only be up to date when the daemon restarts and downloads the database from the central server. Beltane allows you to use the information logged by the client in order to update the signature database

Also here are the requirements for Beltane:

Beltane requires a Samhain (version 1.6.0 or higher) client/server installation, with file signature databases stored on the central server, and logging to an SQL database enabled.

Beltane is a PHP application, with some additional components written in C. It requires PHP version 4.3 or later, compiled as Apache module or as CGI interpreter.

There are two version of Beltane available, the free version and the Paid version. I wanted to try out the free version to see how it works out.

Samhain Prerequisites

Since I was planning on using beltane, I needed to setup a MySQL server on my FreeBSD machine. To install MySQL, I ran the following:

moxz:~>cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server
moxz:/usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server>sudo make install clean

After that, add the following to the /etc/rc.conf file, so we can start the service:


Then to start the service, run the following:

moxz:~>sudo service mysql-server start

After MySQL starts, secure the installation by running the following:

moxz:~>sudo /usr/local/bin/mysql_secure_installation

That will ask you to set a password for root and to remove test databases. After it’s all secure, create the MySQL database that we will use for Samhain:

moxz:/opt/work/samhain-3.1.0.yule/sql_init>mysql -u root -p < samhain.mysql.init
Enter password:

After entering the root password for MySQL, it will create the database. You can check out the database like so:

moxz:~>mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 145
Server version: 5.5.36 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| samhain            |
4 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql> use samhain;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_samhain |
| log               |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I ran the following to create the samhain user:

mysql> grant select, insert, update on samhain.log to samhain@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'samhain';

I added the update permission since it’s necessary for the Beltane configuration later on.

Install the Samhain Server (Yule)

Here is a link to a pretty good how-to. On my FreeBSD 10 machine I ran the following to get the source:

moxz:/opt/work>fetch http://www.la-samhna.de/samhain/samhain-current.tar.gz
samhain-current.tar.gz                        100% of 2067 kB  328 kBps 00m06s

I then extracted it:

moxz:/opt/work/sam>tar xvzf samhain-current.tar.gz
x samhain-3.1.0.tar.gz
x samhain-3.1.0.tar.gz.asc

There are two files, the signature and the source. I just extracted the source from there:

moxz:/opt/work/sam>tar xzf samhain-3.1.0.tar.gz

Now let’s try to compile the source:

moxz:/opt/work/sam>cd samhain-3.1.0/
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/yule --enable-xml-log --with-database=mysql --enable-network=server

The configure did go through, and at the end I got the summary as follows:

samhain has been configured as follows:
     System binaries: /usr/local/yule/sbin
  Configuration file: /usr/local/yule/etc/yulerc
        Manual pages: /usr/local/yule/share/man
                Data: /usr/local/yule/var/lib/yule
            PID file: /usr/local/yule/var/run/yule.pid
            Log file: /usr/local/yule/var/log/yule/yule_log
            Base key: 276553787,1612095713

    Selected rc file: yulerc

Upon running make, I saw the following error:

./src/sh_tiger1_64.c:375:3: error: ran out of registers during register
  tiger_compress_macro(((word64*)str), ((word64*)state));
./src/sh_tiger1_64.c:366:3: note: expanded from macro 'tiger_compress_macro'
  compress; \
./src/sh_tiger1_64.c:327:4: note: expanded from macro 'compress'
          pass5n(a,b,c) \
./src/sh_tiger1_64.c:226:4: note: expanded from macro 'pass5n'
          round5(a,b,c,x0) \
./src/sh_tiger1_64.c:177:2: note: expanded from macro 'round5'
        roundX(a,b,c,x) \
./src/sh_tiger1_64.c:142:27: note: expanded from macro 'roundX'
#define roundX(a,b,c,x)   \

I ran into FreeBSD 10 Release Notes :

On platforms where clang(1) is the default system compiler (such as i386, amd64, arm), GCC and GNU libstdc++ are no longer built by default. clang(1) and libc++ from LLVM are used on these platforms by instead.

More information on the switch over is here:

To confirm, I ran the following:

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>cc -v
FreeBSD clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/final 183502) 20130610
Target: x86_64-unknown-freebsd10.0
Thread model: posix

So I went ahead and compiled gcc47:

moxz:~>cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc47
moxz:/usr/ports/lang/gcc47>sudo make install

After the compile finished, I set my environment variables as such:

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>setenv CC gcc47
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>setenv CPP cpp47
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>setenv CXX g++47

and then re-configured the package:

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/yule --enable-xml-log --with-database=mysql --enable-network=server

and I got back the same summary:

samhain has been configured as follows:
     System binaries: /usr/local/yule/sbin
  Configuration file: /usr/local/yule/etc/yulerc
        Manual pages: /usr/local/yule/share/man
                Data: /usr/local/yule/var/lib/yule
            PID file: /usr/local/yule/var/run/yule.pid
            Log file: /usr/local/yule/var/log/yule/yule_log
            Base key: 1345970140,546504808

    Selected rc file: yulerc

Upon running make again, I got the following error:

/usr/local/bin/ld: /usr/lib/crt1.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `_DYNAMIC' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/lib/crt1.o: error adding symbols: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1

I then ran into these page:

Both fixed that issue by removing the ‘-pie’ argument from LDFLAGS. So I edited the configure script and removed the -pie option. So I changed the following lines:


To just this:


Then running another ./configure and make actually went through. After that I created the directory and installed the package:

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>sudo mkdir /usr/local/yule
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>sudo chown elatov:elatov /usr/local/yule
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>make install

Configure Yule

Here is how my configuration looked like:

moxz:~>grep -Ev '^#|^$' /usr/local/yule/etc/yulerc
LogSeverity = *
DatabaseSeverity = warn
SetDBName = samhain
SetDBTable = log
SetDBUser = samhain
SetDBPassword = samhain
SetDBHost = localhost
SetDBServerTstamp = True
SetLoopTime = 600

Notice I didn’t have any clients yet and I set my LogSeverity for everything. I just wanted to get a good feel of the logs, but I would say warn should be enough.

Then to start the service run the following

moxz:~>/usr/local/yule/sbin/yule -S

Checking out the logs you should see the following:

moxz:~>tail /usr/local/yule/var/log/yule/yule_log
<log sev="ALRT" tstamp="2014-03-16T09:22:55-0600" msg="START" program="Yule" userid="1000" path="/usr/local/yule/etc/yulerc" hash="D1CBAE6C8030B49293EA530E7EDCD7654B4C8F55F62481AE"  >
<log sev="MARK" tstamp="2014-03-16T09:22:55-0600" msg="Server up, simultaneous connections: 1017" socket_id="3"  >

Install Samhain Client

I ended up using the same source directory to build the client:

moxz:~>cd /opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0/

Then I removed the old compiled stuff and re-configured the package (I was still using gcc47):

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>make clean
rm -f core *.o

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samhain --enable-xml-log --enable-network=client --with-data-file=REQ_FROM_SERVER/usr/local/samhain/var/lib/samhain/samhain_file --with-config-file=REQ_FROM_SERVER/usr/local/samhain/etc/samhainrc --with-logserver=moxz.local.com

After the configure was done, I saw the following summary:

samhain has been configured as follows:
     System binaries: /usr/local/samhain/sbin
  Configuration file: REQ_FROM_SERVER/usr/local/samhain/etc/samhainrc
        Manual pages: /usr/local/samhain/share/man
                Data: /usr/local/samhain/var/lib/samhain
            PID file: /usr/local/samhain/var/run/samhain.pid
            Log file: /usr/local/samhain/var/log/samhain_log
            Base key: 274317422,1621712888

Running make was successful, since I was using the same configure script that I modified before.

Then I created the destination directory and installed the package

moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>sudo mkdir /usr/local/samhain/
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>sudo chown elatov:elatov /usr/local/samhain/
moxz:/opt/work/sam/samhain-3.1.0>make install

Configure the Samhain client

Here is how my configuration file looked like:

moxz:~>grep -Ev '^#|^$' /usr/local/samhain/etc/samhainrc
dir = 0/
file = /
file = /proc
file = /entropy
file = /tmp
file = /var
dir = 99/dev
file = /dev/ttyp?
IgnoreAdded = /dev/(p|t)typ.*
IgnoreMissing = /dev/(p|t)typ.*
dir = 99/etc
dir = 99/boot
dir = 99/bin
dir = 99/sbin
dir = 99/lib
dir = 99/libexec
dir = 99/rescue
dir = 99/root
dir = 99/stand
dir = 99/usr
dir = /usr/.snap
dir = /usr/share/man/cat?
file = /usr/compat/linux/etc
file = /usr/compat/linux/etc/ld.so.cache
dir = -1/usr/home
dir = -1/usr/ports

dir = 0/var
dir = 99/var/log
file = /var/log/*.[0-9].bz2
file = /var/log/*.[0-9].log
file = /var/log/*.[0-9]
file = /var/log/*.[0-9][0-9]
file = /var/log/*.old
file = /var/log/sendmail.st
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.gz$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.bz2$
IgnoreAdded = /var/log/.*\.[0-9]+\.log$

Daemon = yes
SetNiceLevel = 19
SetIOLimit = 500
SetLoopTime = 86400
SetFileCheckTime = 7200

Fell free to change what directories you want to monitor. Also notice that I changed my nice level and I limited the IO. I was getting a lot of warnings on the VM that’s it’s running out of memory. Setting it with a higher nice level helped out.

Add Samhain Client to Samhain Server (Yule)

Before we go any further we need to establish a trust between the client and the server. This is done by embedding a password into the samhain binary. First on the server run the following to generate the password:

moxz:~>/usr/local/yule/sbin/yule -G

Then on the client create a new binary and embed that password:

moxz:~>cd /usr/local/samhain/sbin
moxz:/usr/local/samhain/sbin>./samhain_setpwd samhain moxz 52D1DF66E5FC5DCC
INFO   old password found
INFO   replaced:  f7c312aaaa12c3f7  by:  52d1df66e5fc5dcc
INFO   finished

Lastly replace the samhain binary with newly embedded one:

moxz:/usr/local/samhain/sbin>cp samhain.moxz samhain

Now add the client to the yule server configuration:

moxz:~>/usr/local/yule/sbin/yule -P 52D1DF66E5FC5DCC | sed s%HOSTNAME%moxz.local.com% >> /usr/local/yule/etc/yulerc

Now you should have the following added to your yulerc file:

moxz:~>tail -1 /usr/local/yule/etc/yulerc

Since we made a change to yule server configuration let’s send a SIGHUP to re-read the configuration:

moxz:~>pkill -HUP yule

After running that in the logs you will see the following:

<log sev="CRIT" tstamp="2014-03-16T10:00:09-0600" msg="Runtime configuration rel
oaded"  >

Start the samhain client

Before we can connect to our server, we need to initialize the client. From Initialize the baseline database:

samhain works by comparing the present state of the filesystem against a baseline database. Of course, this baseline database must be initialized first (and preferably from a known good state !). To perform the initialization (i.e. create the baseline database), type:

sh$ samhain -t init -p info

(with -p info, messages of severity ‘info’ or higher will be printed to your terminal/console).

If the database file already exists, samhain -t init will append to it. This is a feature that is intended to help you operating samhain in a slightly more stealthy way: you can append the database e.g. to a JPEG picture (and the picture will still display normally - JPEG ignores appended ‘garbage’).


It is usually an error to run samhain -t init twice, because (a) it will append a second baseline database to the existing one, and (b) only the first baseline database will be used. Use samhain -t update for updating the baseline database. Delete or rename the baseline database file if you really want to run samhain -t init a second time.

So let’s create a baseline database:

moxz:~>/usr/local/samhain/sbin/samhain -t init -p info
ALERT  :  [2014-03-16T10:34:26-0600] msg=<START>, program=<Samhain>, userid=<1000>, path=</usr/local/samhain/etc/samhainrc>, hash=<B609FF621721E9DADBE3949077940BBCC92BCE6080E305EB>
INFO   :  [2014-03-16T10:34:27-0600] msg=<Checking       [ReadOnly]>, path=</>
CRIT   :  [2014-03-16T10:34:27-0600] msg=<Not accessible or not a regular file (File access error / Permission denied)>, path=</.sujournal>

That might take a while since I modified the Nice Level and Limited the IO. After the database is ready, copy the configuration file and the database over to the server (in my case they were on the same machine, but if that was not the case, we could just use scp):

moxz:~>cp /usr/local/samhain/etc/samhainrc /usr/local/yule/var/lib/yule/rc.moxz.local.com
moxz:~>cp /usr/local/samhain/var/lib/samhain/samhain_file /usr/local/yule/var/lib/yule/file.moxz.local.com

Now let’s start the client:

moxz:~>/usr/local/samhain/sbin/samhain -D
<log sev="INFO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:09-0600" msg="Downloading configuration file" />
<log sev="INFO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" msg="Session key negotiated" />
<log sev="INFO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" msg="File download completed" />
<log sev="ERRO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" interface="glob" msg="No matches found" path="/dev/ttyp?" />
<log sev="ERRO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" interface="glob" msg="No matches found" path="/var/log/*.[0-9].log" />
<log sev="ERRO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" interface="glob" msg="No matches found" path="/var/log/*.[0-9][0-9]" />
<log sev="ERRO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" interface="glob" msg="No matches found" path="/var/log/*.old" />
<log sev="INFO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:48:10-0600" msg="Downloading database file" />
<log sev="INFO" tstamp="2014-03-09T15:50:08-0600" msg="File download completed" />

Upon starting the samhain client, I saw the following logs in the yule server:

moxz:~>tail /usr/local/yule/var/log/yule/yule_log
<log sev="RCVT" tstamp="2014-03-16 10:16:26-0600" remote_host="moxz" > <log sev="ALRT" tstamp="2014-03-16 10:16:26-0600" msg="LOGKEY" program="Samhain" hash="30988C69A4A79484D0D94C5EA920609E30B0B89E65B81DB7" />
<log sev="RCVT" tstamp="2014-03-16 10:16:26-0600" remote_host="moxz" > <log sev="ALRT" tstamp="2014-03-16 10:16:25-0600" msg="START" program="Samhain" userid="1000" path="REQ_FROM_SERVER" hash="8894E0510E351CAE628DC1D3F31D4C576505A3B2ED800662" path_data="REQ_FROM_SERVER" hash_data="DAB8041DC0971CA9D0ACB2B6849140A6497D304E74B6E2DF" />

Beltane Prerequisites

Initially I used PHP 5.4 but later realized “Beltane I” uses an old Session function that is no longer available after PHP 5.3. Here is a link to a discussion about that. So I ended up installing PHP 5.3. First I install Apache:

moxz:~>cd /usr/ports/www/apache22
moxz:/usr/ports/www/apache22>sudo make install clean

Here is the configuration I used for that:

moxz:/usr/ports/www/apache22>make showconfig
===> The following configuration options are available for apache22-2.2.26:
     AUTH_BASIC=on: mod_auth_basic
     AUTH_DIGEST=on: mod_auth_digest
     AUTHN_ALIAS=on: mod_authn_alias
     AUTHN_ANON=on: mod_authn_anon
     AUTHN_DBD=off: mod_authn_dbd
     AUTHN_DBM=on: mod_authn_dbm
     AUTHN_DEFAULT=on: mod_authn_default
     AUTHN_FILE=on: mod_authn_file
     AUTHZ_DBM=on: mod_authz_dbm
     AUTHZ_DEFAULT=on: mod_authz_default
     AUTHZ_GROUPFILE=on: mod_authz_groupfile
     AUTHZ_HOST=on: mod_authz_host
     AUTHZ_OWNER=on: mod_authz_owner
     AUTHZ_USER=on: mod_authz_user
     AUTHNZ_LDAP=off: mod_authnz_ldap
     LDAP=off: connection pooling, result caching
     DBD=off: Manages SQL database connections
     CACHE=on: mod_cache
     DISK_CACHE=on: mod_disk_cache
     FILE_CACHE=on: mod_file_cache
     MEM_CACHE=off: mod_mem_cache
     DAV=off: mod_dav
     DAV_FS=off: mod_dav_fs
     DAV_LOCK=off: mod_dav_lock
     ACTIONS=on: mod_actions
     ALIAS=on: mod_alias
     ASIS=on: mod_asis
     AUTOINDEX=on: mod_autoindex
     CERN_META=on: mod_cern_meta
     CGI=on: mod_cgi
     CGID=off: mod_cgid
     CHARSET_LITE=on: mod_charset_lite
     DEFLATE=on: mod_deflate
     DIR=on: mod_dir
     DUMPIO=on: mod_dumpio
     ENV=on: mod_env
     EXPIRES=on: mod_expires
     HEADERS=on: mod_headers
     IMAGEMAP=on: mod_imagemap
     INCLUDE=on: mod_include
     INFO=on: mod_info
     LOG_CONFIG=on: mod_log_config
     LOGIO=on: mod_logio
     MIME=on: mod_mime
     MIME_MAGIC=on: mod_mime_magic
     NEGOTIATION=on: mod_negotiation
     REWRITE=on: mod_rewrite
     SETENVIF=on: mod_setenvif
     SPELING=on: mod_speling
     STATUS=on: mod_status
     UNIQUE_ID=on: mod_unique_id
     USERDIR=on: mod_userdir
     USERTRACK=on: mod_usertrack
     VHOST_ALIAS=on: mod_vhost_alias
     FILTER=on: mod_filter
     SUBSTITUTE=off: mod_substitute
     VERSION=on: mod_version
     SSL=on: mod_ssl
     SUEXEC=off: mod_suexec
     SUEXEC_RSRCLIMIT=off: suEXEC rlimits based on login class
     SUEXEC_USERDIR=off: suEXEC UserDir support
     REQTIMEOUT=on: mod_reqtimeout
     PROXY=off: mod_proxy
     IPV4_MAPPED=off: Allow IPv6 socket to handle IPv4
     BUCKETEER=off: mod_bucketeer
     CASE_FILTER=off: mod_case_filter
     CASE_FILTER_IN=off: mod_case_filter_in
     EXT_FILTER=off: mod_ext_filter
     LOG_FORENSIC=off: mod_log_forensic
     OPTIONAL_HOOK_EXPORT=off: mod_optional_hook_export
     OPTIONAL_HOOK_IMPORT=off: mod_optional_hook_import
     OPTIONAL_FN_IMPORT=off: mod_optional_fn_import
     OPTIONAL_FN_EXPORT=off: mod_optional_fn_export
====> mod_proxy: you have to choose at least one of them
     PROXY_AJP=off: mod_proxy_ajp
     PROXY_BALANCER=off: mod_proxy_balancer
     PROXY_CONNECT=off: mod_proxy_connect
     PROXY_FTP=off: mod_proxy_ftp
     PROXY_HTTP=off: mod_proxy_http
     PROXY_SCGI=off: mod_proxy_scgi
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings

Then I installed PHP 5.3:

moxz:/>cd /usr/ports/lang/php53
moxz:/usr/ports/lang/php53>sudo make install clean

Here is the configuration, I used for that:

moxz:/usr/ports/lang/php53>make showconfig
===> The following configuration options are available for php53-5.3.28:
     AP2FILTER=off: Use Apache 2.x filter interface (experimental)
     APACHE=on: Build Apache module
     CGI=on: Build CGI version
     CLI=on: Build CLI version
     DEBUG=off: Build with debugging support
     FPM=off: Build FPM version (experimental)
     IPV6=off: IPv6 protocol support
     LINKTHR=on: Link thread lib (for threaded extensions)
     MAILHEAD=off: mail header patch
     MULTIBYTE=off: zend multibyte support
     SUHOSIN=off: Suhosin protection system
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings

And lastly I compiled the php extensions:

moxz:~>cd /usr/ports/lang/php53-extensions
moxz:/usr/ports/lang/php53-extensions>sudo make install clean

Here are the configurations for that:

moxz:/usr/ports/lang/php53-extensions>make showconfig
===> The following configuration options are available for php53-extensions-1.6:
     BCMATH=off: bc style precision math functions
     BZ2=off: bzip2 library support
     CALENDAR=off: calendar conversion support
     CTYPE=on: ctype functions
     CURL=off: CURL support
     DBA=off: dba support
     DOM=on: DOM support
     EXIF=off: EXIF support
     FILEINFO=off: fileinfo support
     FILTER=on: input filter support
     FTP=off: FTP support
     GD=off: GD library support
     GETTEXT=off: gettext library support
     GMP=off: GNU MP support
     HASH=on: HASH Message Digest Framework
     ICONV=on: iconv support
     IMAP=off: IMAP support
     INTERBASE=off: Interbase 6 database support (Firebird)
     JSON=on: JavaScript Object Serialization support
     LDAP=off: OpenLDAP support
     MBSTRING=off: multibyte string support
     MCRYPT=off: Encryption support
     MSSQL=off: MS-SQL database support
     MYSQL=on: MySQL database support
     MYSQLI=off: MySQLi database support
     ODBC=off: ODBC support
     OPENSSL=on: OpenSSL support
     PCNTL=off: pcntl support (CLI only)
     PDF=off: PDFlib support (implies GD)
     PDO=on: PHP Data Objects Interface (PDO)
     PDO_MYSQL=on: PDO MySQL driver
     PDO_PGSQL=off: PDO PostgreSQL driver
     PDO_SQLITE=off: PDO sqlite driver
     PGSQL=off: PostgreSQL database support
     PHAR=on: phar support
     POSIX=on: POSIX-like functions
     PSPELL=off: pspell support
     READLINE=off: readline support (CLI only)
     RECODE=off: recode support
     SESSION=on: session support
     SHMOP=off: shmop support
     SIMPLEXML=on: simplexml support
     SNMP=off: SNMP support
     SOAP=off: SOAP support
     SOCKETS=off: sockets support
     SQLITE=off: sqlite support
     SQLITE3=off: sqlite3 support
     SYBASE_CT=off: Sybase database support
     SYSVMSG=off: System V message support
     SYSVSEM=off: System V semaphore support
     SYSVSHM=off: System V shared memory support
     TIDY=off: TIDY support
     TOKENIZER=on: tokenizer support
     WDDX=off: WDDX support (implies XML)
     XML=on: XML support
     XMLREADER=on: XMLReader support
     XMLRPC=off: XMLRPC-EPI support
     XMLWRITER=on: XMLWriter support
     XSL=off: XSL support (Implies DOM)
     ZIP=off: ZIP support
     ZLIB=off: ZLIB support
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings

I chose the extensions that were described here:

PHP 4.3 or later, compiled either as apache module, or as CGI program. Your PHP4 must have support for:

  • XML parser functions,
  • POSIX funtions (note that on SLES 10, these are in a seperate ‘php-posix’ rpm), and
  • either MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle, depending on which database you are using.

On top of that I also enabled sessions since it actually uses that. Also make sure PHP is enabled on the apache side:

moxz:~>grep -i php /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf
LoadModule php5_module        libexec/apache22/libphp5.so
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Then enable the apache service, this is done by adding the following to the /etc/rc.conf file:


Then you can start the service by running the following

moxz:~>sudo service apache22 start

Install Beltane

This was is pretty easy. Grab the source:

moxz:/opt/work>fetch http://la-samhna.de/beltane/beltane-1.0.19.tar.gz
beltane-1.0.19.tar.gz                         100% of  184 kB  150 kBps 00m02s

Then extract it:

moxz:/opt/work>tar xzf beltane-1.0.19.tar.gz

then go ahead and configure it:

moxz:/opt/work/beltane-1.0.19>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/beltane --enable-mod-php --with-user=elatov --with-data-dir=/usr/local/yule/var/lib/yule --with-php-dir=/usr/local/beltane/php --with-logfile=/usr/local/beltane/log --with-user-home=/usr/local/beltane --with-php-extension=php

After the configure was done, I saw the following summary:

 beltane has been configured as follows:
           PHP files: /usr/local/beltane/php
     System binaries: /usr/local/beltane/bin
  Configuration file: /usr/local/beltane/.beltanerc
            Log file: /usr/local/beltane/log
                Data: /usr/local/yule/var/lib/yule
            PHP user: elatov
           PHP group: elatov
      Home directory: /usr/local/beltane
  PHP file extension: php
       PHP is module: yes
           XOR value: 0

I then created the directory and installed it:

moxz:/opt/work/l/beltane-1.0.19>sudo mkdir /usr/local/beltane
moxz:/opt/work/l/beltane-1.0.19>sudo chown elatov:elatov /usr/local/beltane/
moxz:/opt/work/l/beltane-1.0.19>make install

After that I created a configuration for beltane in apache, here is how it looked like:

moxz:~>cat /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes/beltane.conf
<Directory /usr/local/beltane/php/>
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -Includes

Then tested the config:

moxz:~>sudo service apache22 configtest
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
Syntax OK

and restarted apache:

moxz:~>sudo service apache22 restart
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache22.
Waiting for PIDS: 7495.
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache22.

Beltane Permissions

There is a pretty good description here on what permissions are necessary:

Webserver access to beltane

As you have installed the beltane PHP scripts into some directory DIR (configure option -with-php-dir=DIR), you should make sure that the webserver has read access to this directory and everything below it

bash$ chown -R root   DIR
bash$ chmod -R 555    DIR

Access to the yule data directory for user beltane

For security, we do not give the webserver access to the data directory, but transfer privileges by making the beltane helper applications SUID/SGID beltane/samhain. Accordingly, user ‘beltane’ needs read/write access, and group ‘samhain’ (yule) needs read access.

bash$ chown beltane:samhain   /var/lib/yule
bash$ chown beltane:samhain   /var/lib/yule/rc.*
bash$ chown beltane:samhain   /var/lib/yule/file.*

Access to the yule HTML status file

This file is only re-written by yule, so yule will not change the permissions. It needs to be readable from PHP (i.e. for user ‘www’ in our example).

bash$ chmod 644 /var/log/yule/yule.html

Access to the database of installed clients

This is the XML format database of installed clients. It can be created through the beltane interface, but if you are using the samhain deployment system, it is created and maintained automatically by that system.

bash$ chown beltane /var/lib/yule/profiles
bash$ chmod 755     /var/lib/yule/profiles
bash$ chown www:samhain /var/lib/yule/profiles/yulerc.install.db
bash$ chmod 660         /var/lib/yule/profiles/yulerc.install.db

Set helper applications SUID/SGID beltane/samhain

bash$ chown beltane:samhain /usr/local/bin/beltane_*
bash$ chmod 6755            /usr/local/bin/beltane_*

I was being impatient, so I gave my apache user access to beltane and yule directories:

moxz:~>ls -ld /usr/local/{beltane,yule,samhain}
drwxrwxr-x  4 elatov  www     512 Mar 16 10:13 /usr/local/beltane
drwxr-xr-x  6 elatov  elatov  512 Mar  9 15:17 /usr/local/samhain
drwxrwxr-x  6 elatov  www     512 Mar  9 14:35 /usr/local/yule

moxz:~>ls -l /usr/local/beltane/bin/
total 52
-rwsrwsr-x  1 www  elatov  11280 Mar  9 15:43 beltane_cp
-rwsrwsr-x  1 www  elatov  38088 Mar  9 15:43 beltane_update

I will have to revisit this later on (this is just for home anyways).

Configuring Beltane

At this point we should be able to login to beltane. So go http://moxz/php and you should see the following:

beltane login page Install Samhain with Beltane on FreeBSD

You can login with:

user: rainer passwd: wichmann

At first it won’t show anything, since it can’t connect to the MySQL database, so click configure on the top left corner and update the settings:

samhain configure mysql db 1024x751 Install Samhain with Beltane on FreeBSD

After that you should see some of the logs:

beltane alert 1024x336 Install Samhain with Beltane on FreeBSD

As a test I created a new file and made sure the event was in Beltane:

test create file 1024x615 Install Samhain with Beltane on FreeBSD

Notice you can either acknowledge the alarm (this is why beltane needs update permission to the MySQL DB) or you can update the signature of the file (appropriate permissions for /usr/local/beltane/bin/beltane_update are necessary).

The “Beltane I” UI is a little slow and the “Beltane II” project looks a little better, hopefully I will have a chance to try it out soon.