All of a sudden I started receiving errors on the maintenance scripts for the Zabbbix MySQL partitions (check out my previous post on the configuration). Here is the error I received:

ERROR 1493 (HY000) at line 1: VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition

The issue is discussed here. It’s an issue with Daylight Savings time and It seems that the fix is to remove the future partitions and then re-run the maintenance scripts. So first you can see which partitions actually have data by running the following:

mysql> SELECT partition_name, table_rows, PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION, PARTITION_METHOD FROM information_schema.PARTITIONS  WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'zabbix' AND TABLE_NAME = 'history_log';
| partition_name | table_rows | PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION | PARTITION_METHOD |
| p201410050000  |       4032 |                          1 | RANGE            |
| p201410060000  |       4036 |                          2 | RANGE            |
| p201410070000  |       4040 |                          3 | RANGE            |
| p201410080000  |       4053 |                          4 | RANGE            |
| p201410090000  |       4089 |                          5 | RANGE            |
| p201410100000  |       4036 |                          6 | RANGE            |
| p201410110000  |       4044 |                          7 | RANGE            |
| p201410120000  |       4048 |                          8 | RANGE            |
| p201410130000  |       4042 |                          9 | RANGE            |
| p201410140000  |       4044 |                         10 | RANGE            |
| p201410150000  |       4046 |                         11 | RANGE            |
| p201410160000  |       4040 |                         12 | RANGE            |
| p201410170000  |       4030 |                         13 | RANGE            |
| p201410180000  |       4040 |                         14 | RANGE            |
| p201410190000  |       4036 |                         15 | RANGE            |
| p201410200000  |       4032 |                         16 | RANGE            |
| p201410210000  |       4040 |                         17 | RANGE            |
| p201410220000  |       4039 |                         18 | RANGE            |
| p201410230000  |       4078 |                         19 | RANGE            |
| p201410240000  |       4050 |                         20 | RANGE            |
| p201410250000  |       4083 |                         21 | RANGE            |
| p201410260000  |       4174 |                         22 | RANGE            |
| p201410270000  |       4170 |                         23 | RANGE            |
| p201410280000  |       4152 |                         24 | RANGE            |
| p201410290000  |       4154 |                         25 | RANGE            |
| p201410300000  |       4160 |                         26 | RANGE            |
| p201410310000  |       4159 |                         27 | RANGE            |
| p201411010000  |       4156 |                         28 | RANGE            |
| p201411020000  |       3970 |                         29 | RANGE            |
| p201411022300  |       4036 |                         30 | RANGE            |
| p201411032300  |       4034 |                         31 | RANGE            |
| p201411042300  |       4044 |                         32 | RANGE            |
| p201411052300  |       4040 |                         33 | RANGE            |
| p201411062300  |       4048 |                         34 | RANGE            |
| p201411072300  |       2789 |                         35 | RANGE            |
| p201411082300  |       1676 |                         36 | RANGE            |
| p201411092300  |          0 |                         37 | RANGE            |
| p201411102300  |          0 |                         38 | RANGE            |
| p201411112300  |          0 |                         39 | RANGE            |
| p201411122300  |          0 |                         40 | RANGE            |
| p201411132300  |          0 |                         41 | RANGE            |
| p201411142300  |          0 |                         42 | RANGE            |
42 rows in set (0.00 sec)

We can see that no data is in the 11-09 partition and the error we saw is for that date, here is manual call:

mysql> CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_log', 28, 24, 14);
| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411090000,1415602800) |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

ERROR 1493 (HY000): VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition

So let’s remove every partition after and including 11-09 (there is no data there any ways):

mysql> alter table history_log drop partition
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Then after that the maintenance script went through:

mysql> CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_log', 28, 24, 14);
| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411090000,1415602800) |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411100000,1415689200) |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411110000,1415775600) |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411120000,1415862000) |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411130000,1415948400) |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411140000,1416034800) |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411150000,1416121200) |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411160000,1416207600) |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411170000,1416294000) |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411180000,1416380400) |
1 row in set (0.08 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411190000,1416466800) |
1 row in set (0.08 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411200000,1416553200) |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411210000,1416639600) |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

| msg                                                           |
| partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201411220000,1416726000) |
1 row in set (0.11 sec)

| table              | partitions_deleted                                                                                |
| zabbix.history_log | p201410050000,p201410060000,p201410070000,p201410080000,p201410090000,p201410100000,p201410110000 |
1 row in set (0.12 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.12 sec)

I had to do that for each of the zabbix DB tables:

  • history
  • history_log
  • history_str
  • history_text
  • history_uint
  • trends
  • trends_uint

But at least no data was lost. And at the end, I was able to run the maintenance_all procedure without any issues:

mysql> CALL partition_maintenance_all('zabbix');
| table          | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.history | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| table              | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.history_log | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

| table              | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.history_str | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

| table               | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.history_text | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

| table               | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.history_uint | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

| table         | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.trends | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

| table              | partitions_deleted |
| zabbix.trends_uint | N/A                |
1 row in set (0.08 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.08 sec)

Hopefully an updated stored procedure will come out of the zabbix forum to prevent this issue from coming up again.